Ashok Khurana Scholarship for Indian Students for Studying in Australia

Ashok Khurana Scholarship for Outstanding Indian Students. This scholarship has been established by Professor Ashok Khurana to support the post-graduate education of outstanding Indian students who are undertaking full time post-graduate studies at the University. 
The scholarship consists of $25,000 for one year, payable towards the recipient's airfares, living expenses and tuition fees. The successful applicant will also receive a 50% discount on the tuition fees for the duration of their program. The Scholarship will be open to candidates who will be undertaking a postgraduate coursework program of study, on a full time basis at the University in the areas of:

Program Study:
  • Education;
  • Agriculture (including Food Security and Wine);
  • Health Services (including Biotechnology);
  • Clean Technology;
  • Environment (including Urban Planning and Architecture);
  • Aerospace;
  • Resources; and any other programs as agreed by the Donor and the University

Scholarship Condition:
  • The scholarship is only available for international students with Indian citizenship who arecommencing a postgraduate coursework program. Students who have already commenced theirstudies at the University of Adelaide are ineligible to apply.
  • The scholarship will be awarded on academic merit, and supporting information. Only completeapplications will be considered, and only applicants who have met the University’s minimum Englishlanguage requirement at the scholarship application deadline will be eligible for consideration.
  • Applicants must have an unconditional offer at the University of Adelaide prior to applying for thisscholarship. One scholarship will be awarded to an applicant each year.
  • The University reserves the right to vary the award, or not to offer a scholarship if the candidates havenot achieved the level of academic achievement to merit the awards.
  • Candidates who have applied for, or will apply for Australian permanent resident status are ineligibleto apply.
  • The Scholarship must be taken up in the year in which it is offered; acceptance of the Scholarshipoffer cannot be deferred. If a student declines the scholarship offer, the scholarship will be offered tothe next eligible student.
  • The Scholarship is intended to support the post-graduate education of an Indian national. EachScholarship recipient will have outstanding leadership qualities and a demonstrated ability tosignificantly enhance India.
  • The Scholarship will only be open to candidates who are undertaking a postgraduate courseworkprogram of study, on a full time basis at the University in the areas of Education, Agriculture (includingfood security and wine), Health Services (including Biotechnology), Clean Technology, Environment(including Urban Planning and Architecture), Aerospace, and Resources, and any other programs asagreed by the Donor and the University ("the Program").
  • The successful recipient of the scholarship must be able to demonstrate outstanding potential forleadership and demonstrate particular academic merit.
  • This scholarship will support the successful applicant to undertake a postgraduate coursework program of study on a full time basis at the University of Adelaide. The scholarship is valued at$25,000 for one year, payable towards the recipient's airfares, living expenses and tuition fees. The successful applicant may also receive an additional 50% discount on the tuition fees for the duration of their program.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities and a demonstrated ability tosignificantly enhance India.
  • Selection of the successful applicant will be made according to academic merit, along withdemonstrated leadership and a demonstrated ability to significantly enhance India.
  • The recipient will be required to report on their experiences to representatives of the appropriatebodies both in Australia and India.
  • Scholarship holders are required to enrol in the University of Adelaide as "international students" andmust maintain "international student" status for the duration of the scholarship. The scholarship will beterminated if a student changes residency status.

Application Process:
If you are interested, please fill out the application form HERE

1 December, 2017

Click here for more information

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