Calvert LSA

CALVERT LSA is ONLINE NOW!If you need help Ms. Langley from College Connection will be in Guidance every Tuesday during A & B LunchWebsite HERERules and Instructions HEREApp Download HERE Deadline: March 30MAIL COMPLETED APP & DOCUMENTS TO:CLSA Manager P.O. Box 927Prince Frederick, MD 20678  ...

MTC STEM Scholarship

The Maryland Tech Council (MTC) announces the opportunity for three (3) graduating high school seniors in the Greater Washington-Baltimore area to be awarded a one-time scholarship totaling $3,300. The scholarships will be presented at MTC’s 30th Anniversary Industry Awards Celebration on May 17, 2018. The scholarship is funded and presented by Alexandria Real...

Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Association (MSSA) Scholarship Foundation

IINSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS:  Download Application HEREMission of the MSSA Scholarship FoundationThe mission of the MSSA Scholarship Foundation is to provide financial aid to undergraduate college students who show extraordinary promise of contributing to the marine environment the Chesapeake Bay, its tributaries, and the coastal waters of the mid-Atlantic seaboard.   The goal is...

National Naval Officers Association (NNOA) Scholarship

Founded in 1972, the National Naval Officers Association (NNOA) is comprised of officers from the Coast Guard, the Navy, and the Marine Corps – the nation’s Sea Services. NNOA provides professional development and mentoring in an effort to recruit, promote, and retain minority officers in the Sea Services. NNOA seeks to strengthen a...

Esperanza Education Fund Scholarship

Deadline: March 30the Esperanza Education Fund.  In 2018, the Esperanza Education Fund will again award scholarships of at least $5000 and up to $20,000 to immigrant students and students who have two immigrant parents in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia to attend public colleges and universities.  Students are eligible for the scholarship regardless of ethnicity, national origin,...

Norfolk State University

The time has come for the Prince George’s County Maryland Chapter (PGCMDC) of the Norfolk State University Alumni Association (NSUAA) to select a $1000 merit scholarship recipient.  Each year, the chapter provides assistance to a graduating high school student who will enroll at Norfolk State University (NSU).  The scholarship recipient will receive $500 for...

Kids Chance of Maryland

Since 1996, we have provided college scholarships to the children of Maryland's injured workers. Every year, thousands of workers are disabled by on-the-job injuries and, tragically, about 60 workers in Maryland lose their lives every year. Kids' Chance of Maryland provides an opportunity for the children of these workers to pursue their higher...

American Society of Military Comptrollers ASMC Scholarship

American Society of Military Comptrollers (ASMC) Southern Maryland Chapter is awarding a scholarship to seniors in the southern Maryland area.The following scholarships are given:One $3,000Four for $2,000Four for $1,000Criteria:1. Applicant must be an outstanding high school student in Calvert County2. Applicant must be in the final half of his/her senior year3.Applicant must be...

Erica Weems Scholarship for Female Athletes

Erica Weems Scholarship for Female AthletesDeadline: April 15Procedures:1. Complete application-available in Guidance or downloadable at link below2. Coach recommendation form will need to be sent with application in a SEALED envelope.3. The EWM Scholarship Committee will reveiw the applications and make the final selections. Applicants will be judged on a combination of academics,...

Washington Metropolitan Chapter of Community Associations Institute Scholarship

RulesThe WMCCAI Essay Contest is open to all high-school seniors within the WMCCAI service area (the immediate Washington metro area) living within a community (i.e., a neighborhood, homeowners association, condominium association, or cooperative association).Requirementsa.     A 500-700 word essay on “How Do You See Your Community Best Utilizing Social Media?” Describe ways to implement...

PTP Memorial Scholarship Award

 What criteria must be met in order to apply for one of two $1000 awards?A candidate must: 1.  Be graduating from high school in the spring of the current school year; public, private, parochial, and home schoolers are welcome to apply.2.  Be a resident of Charles, Calvert, or St. Mary’s county in Southern Maryland.3. ...

Links Scholarship

Southern Maryland Chain ChapterThe Links Incorporated2018 Scholarship ApplicationDownload application HERE$500 scholarships will be awarded.Criteria: US Citizen-Tri County Area-2018 graduation high school senior-Application completedDeadline: April 1Mail to:Delecia R. Eller3871 Chipping LanePort Republick, Md 20676 ...

Zaching Against Cancer Scholarship

THE ZACHING SPIRIT AWARD SCHOLARSHIP Are you a high school senior who has exelled in High School while overcoming personal hardship relating to cancer? The Zaching Against Cancer Foundation (ZACF) is proud to present six Spirit Award Scholarships to Maryland students. Hardships include being a cancer survivor, a caregiver for someone with cancer or a...

Federal Water Quality Association

Federal Water Quality AssociationDeadline: April 9FWQA Seeking students preparing for careers in environmental protection. To be eligible students must be --HS seniors who plan to pursue an environmental career (majors include: environmental sciences, environmental engineering, biology, chemistry, civil engineering, chemical engineering or natural resource planning)-plan to attend a four year collegeAward: Three scholarships in...

The Naval Officers' Spouses' Club (NOSC)

 Download App HEREDEADLINE: April 1        ELIGIBILITY:                ·         The applicant must be a dependent child of an active duty, retired, or deceased United States Navy (USN) service member. ·         The USN service member in question must: (a) currently reside within the Naval District of Washington (NDW), defined as “the District of...

Optimist Club Scholarship

Deadline: April 15The three are      1)      Calvert Optimist-Knapp Scholarship - $8,000 with payments of $2,000 for up to four-years of continuing education.     2)      Calvert Optimist Scholarship - $6,000 with payments of $1,500 for up to four-years of continuing education.     The basic requirements for submission are 1)the student be a Calvert County...

Two Year or Tech School Scholarship!

The Optimist Club of Calvert offers an annual one time vocation award of $3,000 for students residing in Calvert County. This award must be used for advanced training at any trade or technical school or community college that is approved by the Optimist Club. Only two year colleges are permitted.Requirements:-Must reside in Calvert...